Get your contacts synchronized between iOS and Android


Synchronize Your iOS and Android Contacts

Sometimes one of the nearly impossible things is transferring your contacts from an Android phone to iPhone. Are you migrating from Android to iOS and wondering how you can move your contacts over? Do you have both iOS and Android phones and want to synchronize your contacts between them? If you are trying to figure out how to do so then you’re at the right place. This article will show you a quick and easy way out.


On Android:

Make sure “Sync Contacts” is enabled on your android phone. To achieve this, go to Settings > Accounts > Google and make sure the box next to “sync contacts” is checked.

Android settings  Android google  sync contacts


On iPhone:

1. Go to Settings and select “Accounts and Password” (or similar)

2. Tap on “Add Account” and select “Google

iOS Settings    Add account       iOS Google


3. Enter your google account credentials to sign in.

4. After signing in, you will be prompted for the type of content you want to synchronize. Make sure “contacts” is selected, and tap on save.

5. At this point your google contacts should start showing up in your iPhone contacts

ios signin    ios save      ios account


You can make Google/Gmail your default Contacts Account on your iPhone by going to Settings > Contacts > Default Account and select Google or Gmail. This way, all new contacts you save on either your android or iOS would on the other.

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