Facebook Messenger To Get The ‘Delete For Everyone’ Feature


It has been previously reported that Facebook Messenger could get WhatsApp’s ‘much-touted’ feature, the ability to delete messages for everyone after it has been sent.  But now, it looks like the feature is already under tests. One of the users spotted the feature and posted a screenshot on Reddit.

From the screenshot, one could clearly see the options to remove a message. The two options shown include ‘Remove for Everyone’ and ‘Remove for You’. Until now, you could delete a message from the thread but it won’t be deleted from the receiver’s thread.

Image source: Reddit

It is worth adding that this is not the same feature as ‘unsend’. The user has not even mentioned if there is a time limit like it is there in WhatsApp. For those unaware, WhatsApp gives you a window of an hour before it stops you from deleting the message for both parties.

While Facebook is yet to roll out this feature to more users, it is testing a change in its own Messenger app as well. The firm has been spotted testing Dark Mode in its messaging app on Android. The firm was last year reported testing the mode on iOS. From the looks of it, the Dark Mode makes all the White spaces pitch Black, leaving all the texts in White. Icons however, stay coloured and are restyled. 

It is not for sure when Facebook will start rolling out Dark Mode for Messenger widely to more users. However, the fact that both Android and iOS clients now are under tests, 2019 could probably be the year when everyone gets the Dark Mode. For what’s worth, Facebook-owned WhatsApp is also reportedly testing Dark Mode for its app.

We assume that Facebook may roll out this new mode to its own Messenger first followed by WhatsApp. Google, on the other hand, is leading the race as it has already introduced Dark Mode in its Android messaging app.

Source: Gadgetsnow

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